

Learn about how to interact with Pages using WPGraphQL

Pages are a core WordPress Post Type and are core to the WPGraphQL Schema. On this page, we'll take a look at various ways to interact with Pages using WPGraphQL.

If any of the terminology or semantics of the GraphQL queries/mutations on this page are confusing, check out the Intro to GraphQL Guide to get more familiar with the basics.


WPGraphQL comes with RootQuery fields built-in to query Page data. You can query for lists of pages, or an individual page. Below, we'll look at some common examples for querying for Pages.

List of Pages

In this example, we query a list of Page nodes. By default, WPGraphQL will return 10 items.

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What's up with edges and nodes?One of the first things you may ask when you see this is: "What in the world are 'edges' and 'nodes'?".

We've written up a guide on what they are and why WPGraphQL makes use of this shape of data throughout.

Hierarchical Post Types

Pages are a Hierarchical Post Type in WordPress, which means they can have parents and children.

By default, querying for pages returns just the top level pages, and you can get the children by using the childPages field, like so:

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There are other fields for hierarchical post types, such as parent and ancestors.


In many cases, exactly 10 pages won't be what you need for your application. So we can use arguments on the pages field to declare how many items we want.

Here we're using the first argument to declare that we want the first 5 pages.

Using Variables with ArgumentsWe pass the number as a variable so that our query can be dynamic without changing the actual query string. Learn more about using variables.
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You can adjust the number of items as well. Here we'll ask for just 1 Page:

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Page connections can be further filtered by using whereArgs.

The args available are largely similar to what's available (and end up mapping to) to the underlying WP_Query. We'll look at a few quick examples, but it's probably best for you to spend some time exploring the Schema Docs to see what options are available.

Also, keep in mind that the entire WPGraphQL Schema is filterable should you need to extend the Schema and provide custom arguments for your applications needs.

  • Here's an example of using the where argument to get a page with a specific title
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When querying a list of nodes (Posts), it's common to need to paginate to fetch more items. The Schema exposes some helpful fields we can ask for to know if there are more items to fetch.

Fields that are helpful for knowing if there are more items to paginate:

  • pageInfo.hasNextPage: Whether there are more items going forward
  • pageInfo.hasPreviousPage: Whether there are more items going backward
  • pageInfo.endCursor: The cursor for the last item in the list
  • pageInfo.startCursor: The cursor for the first item in the list

The arguments used for pagination are:

  • first: The number of items to fetch. To be used along with after for forward pagination.
  • after: The cursor to reference where to fetch from. To be used along with first for forward pagination.
  • last: The number of items to fetch. To be used along with before for backward pagination.
  • before: The cursor to reference where to fetch from. To be used along with last for backward pagination.


Here is an example of asking for pageInfo fields to see if there are more items in the list of data.

You can see that we ask for the field pageInfo, and on that we ask for hasNextPage and endCursor.

The hasNextPage field will be either true or false, and the endCursor will be an opaque string that acts as a reference to the last node returned in the query.

The cursor can then be used as an argument in a follow-up query, to ask for pages after that point in the dataset.

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We can use the first argument to declare how many items we want from the "front" of the dataset. In this case, we're telling WPGraphQL we want the first 5 most recent pages.

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In the response, we see that hasNextPage responds with true, meaning there are more pages, and we can use the endCursor to ask for the pages after the last item in this list.


The after argument is to be used in conjunction with the first argument for pagination purposes.

When querying for a list of pages, it's common to need to paginate. When we ask for the first 10 pages, there's a good chance we'll want to follow-up and ask for the first 10 pages after the final post in that list.

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We can use the last argument to declare how many items we want from the "back" of the dataset. In this case, we're telling WPGraphQL we want the last 5 (oldest) pages.

At the bottom of the list will be the oldest item in the dataset. The top item in the list will be the newest of the 5 displayed (because we're going backward here).

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So, we can see that hasPreviousPage is set to true, which means we have more items before this.

We can take the startCursor and use that as the value of our next query as our before value.


Here, we take the startCursor from our previous query, and use it as the value for our before input.

So, what we're saying is that we want 5 more items before the startCursor in our previous query.

As long as hasPreviousPage returns true, that means we have more data that we can paginate through.

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If we know the ID of a Page, we can query for the page individually like so:

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idType argument

Sometimes you need to query an individual Page, but you don't have the ID.

Using the idType argument, we can get individual nodes with alternative unique identifiers.

Here's an example of getting a page by it's URI.

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Here's an example of getting a page by it's database ID.

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In this section, we'll look at various ways to mutate Pages.

Mutations and AuthWPGraphQL respects user capabilities when mutating data, so _most_ mutations in WPGraphQL require requests to be Authenticated, and the user making the request must have proper capabilities to mutate the data. Check out the Authentication and Authorization Guide to learn more.

The demos below are public requests and will not actually mutate data, but you can get an idea of how to compose mutations by looking at the examples.

Create Page

This is an example of a mutation to create a Page.

There are two required input fields to create a page, clientMutationId and title.

Here you can see that we define our input variable to be of the type CreatePageInput!.

By defining our input in this way, it allows for flexibility for the input variables. Whatever we input will validate against the shape of the CreatePageInput! Type in the Schema. This means any of the nonNull input fields will need to be required, but any of the other fields are optional, but if included, still need to be of the specified Type defined in the Schema.

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Update Page

Below is an example mutation to update a page. For this, we must know the ID of the Post.

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Delete Page

Below is an example mutation to delete a page. For this, we must know the ID of the Page.

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  • Queries
  • List of Pages
  • Hierarchical Post Types
  • Arguments
  • whereArgs
  • Pagination
  • pageInfo
  • first
  • after
  • last
  • before
  • Page
  • idType argument
  • Mutations
  • Create Page
  • Update Page
  • Delete Page

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