

Learn about how to interact with Navigation Menus using WPGraphQL

In WordPress, Navigation Menus consist of 2 types of entities: Menus and MenuItems.

  • Menu: is the entity that groups MenuItems together.
  • MenuItem: The individual items in a Menu. Each MenuItem can be a custom link, or a reference to a connected object such as a Post, Page, Category, Tag, or other entity. MenuItems can have hierarchical relationships with other MenuItems, meaning MenuItems can be nested with parent/child relationships.


Below are some examples of querying Menus and Menu Items.

If you know the ID of a Menu, you can query like so:

GraphiQL Loading...

Often, it can be inconvenient to query Menus by ID. Since Menu names in WordPress are unique the name can be used as a unique identifier and we can query for Menus by name using the idType argument like so:

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If you are looking for a list of all menus that exist, you can query a list of menus like so:

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Privacy of MenusIn WordPress, Nav Menus that are associated with a Menu Location are considered public. Menus that are not assigned to a location are only accessible in the WordPress Admin and require authentication to interact with. WPGraphQL respects this Access Control. So a Query for a menu or a list of menus will only return menus that are considered public. To retrieve Menus that are not assigned a location, the GraphQL request needs to be authenticated and the authenticated user must have proper capabilities to see the Menus.

If you have the ID of a MenuItem, you can query it directly like so:

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If you have the Database ID of a MenuItem, you can query it directly like so:

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Querying a list of Menu Items with no arguments will return Menu Items associated with any Menus.

It's likely more common that you would want to query Menu Items associated with a specific Menu Location, like so:

GraphiQL Loading...

Converting a Flat List to Hierarchical List

One thing you may have noticed is that Menu Items will be returned in a flat-list by default, meaning that hierarchical relationships such as parent, children, grand-child Menu Items, will all be returned together in a flat list.

There's a good chance you might need to convert a flat list into a hierarchical list in the consumer application to be used in a component such as a Checkbox Tree or Dropdown Menu, for example.

Given the query above, we might have a payload of data like so:

  "nodes": [
      "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2Mjk=",
      "parentId": null,
      "title": "Sample Page",
      "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/",
      "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzA=",
      "parentId": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2Mjk=",
      "title": "Child Page",
      "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/child-page/",
      "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzE=",
      "parentId": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzA=",
      "title": "Grandchild",
      "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/child-page/grandchild/",
      "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo1NTE=",
      "parentId": null,
      "title": "test",
      "url": "http://acf2.local/test/",
      "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo1NTI=",
      "parentId": null,
      "title": "Test Page",
      "url": "http://acf2.local/test-page/",

Here we can see that there are some nodes with a null parentId value, and some that do have a parentId value.

A function like the following could be used to convert the flat list to a hierarchical list.

const flatListToHierarchical = (
    data = [],
    {idKey='key',parentKey='parentId',childrenKey='children'} = {}
) => {
    const tree = [];
    const childrenOf = {};
    data.forEach((item) => {
        const newItem = {...item};
        const { [idKey]: id, [parentKey]: parentId = 0 } = newItem;
        childrenOf[id] = childrenOf[id] || [];
        newItem[childrenKey] = childrenOf[id];
            ? (
                childrenOf[parentId] = childrenOf[parentId] || []
            : tree.push(newItem);
    return tree;

This could be used like so:

$hierarchicalList = flatListToHierarchical( data.nodes );

And the data would be transformed to the following:

    "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2Mjk=",
    "parentId": null,
    "title": "Sample Page",
    "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/",
    "__typename": "MenuItem",
    "children": [
        "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzA=",
        "parentId": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2Mjk=",
        "title": "Child Page",
        "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/child-page/",
        "__typename": "MenuItem",
        "children": [
            "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzE=",
            "parentId": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo2MzA=",
            "title": "Grandchild",
            "url": "http://acf2.local/sample-page/child-page/grandchild/",
            "__typename": "MenuItem",
            "children": []
    "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo1NTE=",
    "parentId": null,
    "title": "test",
    "url": "http://acf2.local/test/",
    "__typename": "MenuItem",
    "children": []
    "key": "bmF2X21lbnVfaXRlbTo1NTI=",
    "parentId": null,
    "title": "Test Page",
    "url": "http://acf2.local/test-page/",
    "__typename": "MenuItem",
    "children": []

This could then be passed to a component that renders data hierarchically.

For example:

A Checkbox Tree

Screenshot of an Ant Design Checkbox Tree Component

A Dropdown Menu Screenshot of an Ant Design Dropdown Menu Component

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  • Queries
  • Menu by ID
  • Menu by Name
  • Menus
  • Menu Item
  • Menu Item by Database ID
  • Menu Items
  • Converting a Flat List to Hierarchical List

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