
Intro to GraphQL

Intro to the GraphQL Query language

On this page, we'll look at some of the features of the GraphQL specification and Query Language. After reading this page, you should have a basic understanding of how to interact with a WPGraphQL server.

In Depth Guides

Exploring the Schema

Before we jump in to Querying the Schema, it's important to know how to even find what's available by exploring the GraphQL Schema.

Documentation ExplorerOne of the easiest ways to explore what is available to be queried, is by exploring the Schema using the Documentation explorer in GraphiQL.
GraphiQL Loading...
Note: Not all instances of the interactive GraphiQL editor in these docs will have the Documentation explorer available to keep distractions to a minimum as you work through examples.


To get started understanding GraphQL, it's best to look at an example of a GraphQL Query.

Hello World

This is essentially the "hello world" of GraphQL queries for a site running WPGraphQL. This query asks for generalSettings, and on generalSettings, it's asking for the field url.

  generalSettings {

The response to this query would look like:

  "data": {
    "generalSettings": {
      "url": "https://www.wpgraphql.com"

We can see that the results match the shape of the query. We get exactly what we asked for, and nothing more. This is a huge feature! Not only does this give clients control by asking for the exact data they need, it means the data is predictable which can lead to fewer bugs in your applications, it means the data download sizes are smaller because it only includes the specified fields, and it also means the server can be more efficient as it can do the minimum work necessary to get the data the client asked for.

Using GraphiQL

Let's take a look at the same query in an interactive GraphQL IDE.

Press the play button to execute the query:

GraphiQL Loading...

Built-in Queries

WPGraphQL comes with many built-in queries for interacting with data from WordPress including:

Self-documenting Schema

Since GraphQL is built on a strong Type system the Schema is self-documenting and queryable, meaning you can query the Schema itself!

The Schema is self-documenting, meaning that as you register Fields and Types to the Schema, you can provide descriptions in the definitions and those are exposed to the Schema for documentation purposes.

The Schema is queryable, meaning that it's not just one static thing. You can query the Schema as an interactive thing. Here's an example:

GraphiQL Loading...


If you've explored the Schema, you likely noticed a mutation field at the root of the Schema alongside the query field.

Mutations in WPGraphQL operate identically to Queries, the only difference is the keyword mutation which indicates that data will change during the operation.

It's technically possible to have underlying data be changed when a query is executed, and it's also possible to have no data change when a mutation is executed, however it's best practice to have operations that are intended to change data be under the mutation entry point.

Hello World

This is the "hello world" of WPGraphQL mutations. It really exists in the Schema solely for demonstration purposes.

In order to execute a mutation, we first have to start the operation with the keyword mutation.

Then we can select which fields to execute as part of the mutation.

In this case, we select the increaseCount field, and we pass it an argument count with a value of 2.

GraphiQL Loading...

The response of the mutation is 3. It accepted the input of the count argument, and returned a value one higher.

Give it a try with any integer as the value of the count argument and it will return an integer one number higher.

Built-in Mutations

WPGraphQL provides CRUD mutations for the core WordPress data types:

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Custom Post Types
  • Taxonomy Terms
  • Custom Taxonomies
  • Comments
  • Users
  • MenuItems
  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • Settings

Authentication and Authorization

Mutations that write data to the WordPress database require proper Authorization, meaning that the request must be able to prove that the user making the request has the proper capabilities to execute the mutation and write data back to the WordPress database.

Here's an example of a mutation that will first check to see if you're allowed to create posts:

mutation {
  createPost(input: { clientMutationId: "CreatePost", title: "New Post" }) {
    post {

In response, we'll see the following error:

  "errors": [
      "message": "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts",
      "category": "user",
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3
      "path": ["createPost"]
  "data": {
    "createPost": null

This is intentional. WPGraphQL is ensuring that data cannot be written back to the WordPress server without verifying that the user making the request has proper capabilities to create posts.

Go ahead and try and execute the Mutation:

GraphiQL Loading...
Authentication & Authorization GuideAuthentication and Authorization are not always easy to understand on the surface. We've written up a guide to help clarify how WPGraphQL works with Authentication and Authorization.Read the Guide

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Intro to GraphQL

  • Exploring the Schema
  • Queries
  • Hello World
  • Using GraphiQL
  • Built-in Queries
  • Self-documenting Schema
  • Mutations
  • Hello World
  • Built-in Mutations
  • Authentication and Authorization

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